Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Upload | 上传 | Details | |
The name of each image will be used as the title of each card. | 每张图片的名称将作为每张贺卡的标题。 | Details | |
The name of each image will be used as the title of each card. 每张图片的名称将作为每张贺卡的标题。
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The folder name will be used as the deck name. | 文件夹名称将用作甲板名称。 | Details | |
The folder name will be used as the deck name. 文件夹名称将用作甲板名称。
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The file has been successfully uploaded. | 文件已成功上传。 | Details | |
Please find below instructions on how to create the ZIP file | 请参阅以下说明,了解如何创建 ZIP 文件 | Details | |
Please find below instructions on how to create the ZIP file 请参阅以下说明,了解如何创建 ZIP 文件
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Please enter the name of each image with blank spaces. As an example, consider the following: The file name for the image of the Hanged Man is "The Hanged Man.jpg." | 请在空白处输入每张图片的名称。举例如下:被绞死的人 "图像的文件名是 "The Hanged Man.jpg"。 | Details | |
Please enter the name of each image with blank spaces. As an example, consider the following: The file name for the image of the Hanged Man is "The Hanged Man.jpg." 请在空白处输入每张图片的名称。举例如下:被绞死的人 "图像的文件名是 "The Hanged Man.jpg"。
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Please create an empty folder and enter the images of the cards you wish to upload. | 请创建一个空文件夹,然后输入您要上传的贺卡图像。 | Details | |
Please create an empty folder and enter the images of the cards you wish to upload. 请创建一个空文件夹,然后输入您要上传的贺卡图像。
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Please compress the folder. Please ensure that the images are located in the root of the ZIP file and not in a subfolder. | 请压缩文件夹。请确保图片位于 ZIP 文件的根目录中,而不是子文件夹中。 | Details | |
Please compress the folder. Please ensure that the images are located in the root of the ZIP file and not in a subfolder. 请压缩文件夹。请确保图片位于 ZIP 文件的根目录中,而不是子文件夹中。
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You are currently using Firefox. | 您目前使用的是 Firefox。 | Details | |
Use the development view to identify the cards containing text. This function is only accessible in the public section if you are logged in as an administrator. | 使用开发视图识别包含文本的卡片。只有以管理员身份登录后,才能在公共部分使用此功能。 | Details | |
Use the development view to identify the cards containing text. This function is only accessible in the public section if you are logged in as an administrator. 使用开发视图识别包含文本的卡片。只有以管理员身份登录后,才能在公共部分使用此功能。
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Unfortunately, there is an incompatibility between Firefox and the Wordpress TinyMCE library which prevents the writing of text on Tarot cards. While we are working on a solution, we recommend using an alternative browser such as Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge to write the texts. | 不幸的是,火狐浏览器和 Wordpress TinyMCE 库之间存在不兼容问题,导致无法在塔罗牌上书写文字。我们正在研究解决方案,建议使用谷歌 Chrome 浏览器或微软 Edge 浏览器等其他浏览器来书写文字。 | Details | |
Unfortunately, there is an incompatibility between Firefox and the Wordpress TinyMCE library which prevents the writing of text on Tarot cards. While we are working on a solution, we recommend using an alternative browser such as Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge to write the texts. 不幸的是,火狐浏览器和 Wordpress TinyMCE 库之间存在不兼容问题,导致无法在塔罗牌上书写文字。我们正在研究解决方案,建议使用谷歌 Chrome 浏览器或微软 Edge 浏览器等其他浏览器来书写文字。
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This feature is only activated if you are an administrator. | 只有当您是管理员时,才能激活此功能。 | Details | |
This feature is only activated if you are an administrator. 只有当您是管理员时,才能激活此功能。
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Spread %s | 传播 %s | Details | |
Show Positions | 显示位置 | Details | |
Select a deck. If none are available, you must create one first. Visit the cards within the selected deck to generate the necessary texts. | 选择一副牌。如果没有,则必须先创建一副。访问所选牌组中的卡片,生成必要的文本。 | Details | |
Select a deck. If none are available, you must create one first. Visit the cards within the selected deck to generate the necessary texts. 选择一副牌。如果没有,则必须先创建一副。访问所选牌组中的卡片,生成必要的文本。
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