Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Card size | 卡片尺寸 | Details | |
Does Not Work with your version of PHP. Minimum required php version is 7.0 | 不适用于你的PHP版本。最低要求的PHP版本是7.0 | Details | |
Does Not Work with your version of PHP. Minimum required php version is 7.0 不适用于你的PHP版本。最低要求的PHP版本是7.0
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Demos | 演示 | Details | |
Click on preview changes to see the tarot. | 点击预览变化,可以看到塔罗牌。 | Details | |
Click on preview changes to see the tarot. 点击预览变化,可以看到塔罗牌。
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Reversed Basic Mode: 2 texts are used for all references on each card (A or B), if the card is reversed, the alternative text B will be used. Example: Tarot with 3 spreads: present, past and future. 1 text (A or B) for present, past and future. The final quality will depend on the skill you have in elaborating the 2 texts. | 反转基本模式:每张卡片上的所有参考信息均使用 2 个文本(A 或 B),如果卡片反转,则使用备选文本 B。举例说明:塔罗牌有 3 个牌面:现在、过去和未来。现在、过去和未来使用一个文本(A 或 B)。最终的质量将取决于您阐述这两个文本的技巧。 | Details | |
Reversed Basic Mode: 2 texts are used for all references on each card (A or B), if the card is reversed, the alternative text B will be used. Example: Tarot with 3 spreads: present, past and future. 1 text (A or B) for present, past and future. The final quality will depend on the skill you have in elaborating the 2 texts. 反转基本模式:每张卡片上的所有参考信息均使用 2 个文本(A 或 B),如果卡片反转,则使用备选文本 B。举例说明:塔罗牌有 3 个牌面:现在、过去和未来。现在、过去和未来使用一个文本(A 或 B)。最终的质量将取决于您阐述这两个文本的技巧。
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Expert Mode: Multiple texts are used per card (1 text per reference in each card). You will get a very precise tarot in the answers. There are many texts but the final result will be very accurate, since each reference will have its own text. | 专家模式:每张牌使用多个文本(每张牌的每个参考点有一个文本)。你会在答案中得到一个非常精确的塔罗牌。有许多文字,但最后的结果将是非常准确的,因为每张参考牌都有自己的文字。 | Details | |
Expert Mode: Multiple texts are used per card (1 text per reference in each card). You will get a very precise tarot in the answers. There are many texts but the final result will be very accurate, since each reference will have its own text. 专家模式:每张牌使用多个文本(每张牌的每个参考点有一个文本)。你会在答案中得到一个非常精确的塔罗牌。有许多文字,但最后的结果将是非常准确的,因为每张参考牌都有自己的文字。
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Basic Mode: A single text is used for all references in each card. Example: Tarot with 3 spreads: present, past and future. Same text for present, past and future. You will opt for a tarot less precise in the answers but simpler to create. The final quality will depend on the skill you have in creating the texts. | 基本模式:每张卡片中的所有参考文献都使用一个文本。例子:塔罗牌有三张牌:现在、过去和未来。现在、过去和未来的文字都一样。你会选择答案不那么精确但创作起来比较简单的塔罗牌。最后的质量将取决于你创造文本的技巧。 | Details | |
Basic Mode: A single text is used for all references in each card. Example: Tarot with 3 spreads: present, past and future. Same text for present, past and future. You will opt for a tarot less precise in the answers but simpler to create. The final quality will depend on the skill you have in creating the texts. 基本模式:每张卡片中的所有参考文献都使用一个文本。例子:塔罗牌有三张牌:现在、过去和未来。现在、过去和未来的文字都一样。你会选择答案不那么精确但创作起来比较简单的塔罗牌。最后的质量将取决于你创造文本的技巧。
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Your license key has reached its activation limit. | 您的许可证密钥已达到激活上限。 | Details | |
Your license key has reached its activation limit. 您的许可证密钥已达到激活上限。
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Your license key has been disabled. | 你的许可证密钥已被禁用。 | Details | |
Your license key expired on %s. | 您的许可证密钥在 %s 上过期。 | Details | |
Your license is not active for this URL. | 你的许可证在这个URL上没有激活。 | Details | |
Your license is not active for this URL. 你的许可证在这个URL上没有激活。
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You can leave this field empty to disable it | 你可以让这个字段为空,以禁用它。 | Details | |
You can leave this field empty to disable it 你可以让这个字段为空,以禁用它。
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Yes | 是 | Details | |
Write down your readings or interpretations for this card. | 写下你对这张牌的解读或解释。 | Details | |
Write down your readings or interpretations for this card. 写下你对这张牌的解读或解释。
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Website | 网站 | Details | |
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