Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Title color in the final draw. The theme link is loaded by default. | 最终绘制的标题颜色。主题链接默认已加载。 | Details | |
Title color in the final draw. The theme link is loaded by default.
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To create a tarot, fill in a simple form by clicking on the < Add Tarot > button. You can create several tarots with the same deck. Save changes. Now you can write the texts of your new tarot by editing each card. | 要创建塔罗牌,请点击 < 添加塔罗牌 > 按钮,填写一份简单的表格。您可以使用同一副牌创建多个塔罗牌。保存更改。现在,您可以通过编辑每张牌来编写新塔罗牌的文本。 | Details | |
To create a tarot, fill in a simple form by clicking on the < Add Tarot > button. You can create several tarots with the same deck. Save changes. Now you can write the texts of your new tarot by editing each card.
Warning: Expected < Add Tarot >, got < 添加塔罗牌 >.
要创建塔罗牌,请点击 < 添加塔罗牌 > 按钮,填写一份简单的表格。您可以使用同一副牌创建多个塔罗牌。保存更改。现在,您可以通过编辑每张牌来编写新塔罗牌的文本。
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